You can find a list of our latest policies below, including information on dress code, outings, mealtime and more.
If you have any further questions, please contact The BCoT Nursery on 01256 306213.
- Admissions
- Babysitting
- Behaviour management
- Child observations
- Comments, compliments and complaints
- Confidentiality
- Contact names and addresses
- Critical incident
- Data Protection
- Dress code
- Equality and diversity
- Feeding babies
- Health and safety
- Illness, medication and immunisation
- Infection control
- Late collection
- Learning through play
- Nutrition and meals
- Outings
- Parents and carers as partners
- Safeguarding
- Social networking
- Special educational needs and disabilities
- Staff sickness
- Student placement
- Sun policy
- Technological devices
- Terms and conditions
- Whistleblowing